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Abstract Topic: Enviromental Accounting

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Analysis of Factors Affecting the Financial Structure of the Wholesale And Retail Trade Industry that Go Public at Indonesia Stock Exchange
Chusnul Chotimah

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Chusnul Chotimah

Airlangga University

The financial structure reflects how the companys assets are spent, thus the financial structure is reflected in the overall liability of the company. For companies that go public such as the Whole Sale And Retail Trade industry, the financial structure is important because the proportion of each source of funds will determine the companys cost of capital. The high value of Cost of Capital companies makes the company more at risk compared to companies with lower capital costs. Companies with high risk are less favored by investors in the capital market. Moreover, for retail companies, where most of their assets are in the form of receivables and inventory, the value depends on the permanence of the level of profitability of each company, so it is not so dependent on long-term debt financing and is more dependent on short-term financing, therefore to make optimal financial structure, management needs to know what factors influence it. The study aims to determine how the influence of asset structure, company size, ROI, operating leverage, sales growth and tax burden on the financial structure of the Whole Sale and Retail Trade industries that go public on the IDX. Firm size, ROI and sales growth have a significant effect on financial structure while asset structure, operating leverage and tax burden have no significant effect on the financial structure.

Financial structure, asset structure, company size, Return On Investment, operating leverage, sales growth, tax burden, retail.

Enviromental Accounting


Mohammad Hardiyansah, Aisa Tri Agustini

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Mohammad Hardiyansah

Accounting Department
Faculty Economic and Bussines
Jember University
Jalan Kalimantan No. 37, Krajan Timur, Sumbersari, Kec. Sumbersari, Kabupaten Jember 68121, Jawa Timur, Indonesia

The objectives of this research is to examine the role of environmental performance in the relation between carbon emissions disclosure and firm value. A measurement tool using content analysis method to measure carbon emissions disclosure that adopts a checklist developed based on a request sheet obtained from the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). Firm value is proxied with Tobins Q, while environmental performance is assessed based on the results of the environmental management performance appraisal program (PROPER) issued by the Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Environment. Sample of this study are being chosen by using purposive sampling method, which obtain 43 companies that listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) from 2014 to 2018. Multiple analysis regression is used to test the hyphotesis. The results indicate the carbon emissions disclosure has a positive and significant effect on firm value. This research also found that there is an evidence that environmental performance positively influences the relation of carbon emissions disclosure to firm value. These results indicate that ratings in PROPER can be a guarantee whether the company has performed its environmental performance properly or not. Participating in the PROPER program is a form of corporate responsibility in an effort to reduce the impact of environmental damage arising from the companys operational activities. Environmental performance has been proven as moderating variable to the relationship between carbon emission disclosure and firm value.

Carbon Emissions Disclosure, Firm Value, Environmental Performance

Enviromental Accounting


Environmental Assets System Design: Looking at System of Environmental – Economic Accounting (SEEA) PT. Bakrie Sumatera Plantation
A A Gde Satia Utama (a*), Fathi Izzuddin (b)

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A.A Gde Satia Utama

a) Accounting Department, Faculty of Economic and Business, Airlangga University
Jalan Airlangga 4-6, Surabaya, 60286, Indonesia

b)Accounting Department, Faculty of Economic and Business, Airlangga University
Jalan Airlangga 4-6, Surabaya, 60286, Indonesia

System of Environmental – Economic Accounting (SEEA) is a accounting information system that contain a framework for integrating economic and environment information from all resources so that can be used in the decision making process for corporation and government. Accounting information itself contains information about financial accounts and data from the corporation, that information could be used as consideration in the decision making process. SEEA divided into eight thematic areas, they are Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Air Emissions Accounts, Energy, Environmental Activity Accounts, Ecosystem Accounts, Land Accounts, Material Flow Accounts, and Water. This research used qualitative with analysis system approach. This research-s purpose is to design a new system using SEEA to trace supply and use environmental asset of corporation especially Pt. Bakrie Sumatera Plantations using only its annual report and financial report. The result is that the supply and use of ecological asset information could be well integrated and more accessible to used in the decision making process

Environmental Asset; System; Economic Accounting; SEEA

Enviromental Accounting


Environmental Consciousness and Corporate Social Responsibility as drivers of Green Intellectual Capital
Dr. Yvonne Augustine Sudibyo Ak. MM. CMA & Karel Adam Sutanto

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Yvonne Augustine Sudibyo

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Trisakti

The objective of this study are to examine the influence of Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Consciousness to Green Intellectual Capital which consists of Green Human Capital, Green Structural Capital, and Green Relationship Capital. At this research, Questionnaires were distributed to gather and sorting data. From 194 gathered questionnaires, only 130 questionnaires are used since some of them were not fully completed. The questionnaires were processed using Structural Equation. The result of this study showed that Corporate Social Responsibility has a positive effect on Green Human Capital, Green Structural Capital, and Green Relationship Capital, whereas Environmental Consciousness has a positive effect on Green Human Capital and Green Structural Capital, but not from dimension of Green Relationship Capital.

Corporate Social Responsibility, Environmental Consciousness, Green Intellectual Capital, Green Human Capital, Green Structural Capital, Green Relationship Capital

Enviromental Accounting


Environmental Disclosure and Tax Aggressiveness of Property and Real Estate Sector Companies: Evidence from Indonesia
Nurina Oktaviani Saraswatie Isnalita Alfa Rahmiati

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Alfa Rahmiati

Universitas Airlangga

Abstract. There have been a lot of researches concerning the corporate social responsibility and tax aggressiveness in Indonesia. However, this study provides particular attention into the effects of environmental disclosure (corporate social responsibility) on tax aggressiveness on property and real estate sector companies. This study also provides a test using some control variables, such as company size (SIZE), and leverage (LEV) to robust the analysis. Based on 103 samples of Indonesian publicly listed property and real estate sector companies, the results indicate that corporate social responsibility firm significantly negative related to tax aggressiveness, while firm size and leverage surprisingly are not significantly related to tax aggressiveness.

Keywords: corporate social responsibility, environmental disclosure, firm leverage, firm size, tax aggressiveness

Enviromental Accounting


Iqhbal Hisyamfikar Satria Johan and Isnalita

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Isnalita Isnalita

Faculty of Economics and Business
Universitas Airlangga

The study aims to test the influence of firm size, profitability, type of industry and institutional ownership on environmental disclosure.This research sample is a manufacturing company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The data used is a secondary data obtained by the annual report. Firm size is measured using natural logarithm, profitability is measured using Return on Assets (ROA). Dummy is used to measure the type of industry, the proportion of ownership is to measure institutional ownership.Environmental disclosure is measured by the disclosure index.The hypothesis testing method used is t test with an equivalent significance of 0.05.The results show that only the firm size and profitability affect environmental disclosure, while the type of industry and institutional ownership have no effect.The research also finds the low environmental disclosure index that the sample company does.The implications based on this result are the need for empowerment and adequate appreciation to improve the environmental disclosure index of public firms.

: Environmental Disclosure, Firm Size, Institusional Ownership, Profitability, Type of Industry

Enviromental Accounting


H Fitriyah1 2, B Tjahjadi3, N Soewarno3

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Hadiah Fitriyah

1)Students of the Doctoral Program in Accounting Science, Faculty of Economics and Business - Airlangga University, Surabaya
2)Departement of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Muhammadiyah University of Sidoarjo
3) Departement of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Airlangga University, Surabaya

The purpose of this study is to determine the role of innovation green as a manifestation of the implementation of sustainable environmental development in improving the performance of the batik creative industry. The batik creative industry is one of the creative industries in Indonesia that is a requirement with traditional values. Batik was recognized by UNESCO in 2009 as a world cultural heritage, so it greatly influences the level of demand for batik cloth. Increased production of batik cloth raises environmental pollution problems. Therefore the role of academics is needed to provide insight to batik creative industry players through this research. The approach of this research is to use a qualitative research approach. Data is collected by survey, in depth interviews, documentation, observation and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). and the data analysis uses triangulation analysis. The results of this study indicate that green product innovation is a business strategy that can be implemented in realizing sustainable environmental development and ultimately can improve the performance of batik creative industries.

green product innovation, sustainable environmental development, creative industries

Enviromental Accounting


Increase Its Profitability And Value Of Manufacturing Firm In Indonesia ; Effect Social Responsibility, Corporate governance, Firm size
Deddy Kurniawansyah (a*), Sigit Kurnianto (b)

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Deddy Kurniawansyah

a) University of Airlangga Surabaya
Jalan Airlangga No.4, Surabaya 60286, Indonesia
b) University of Airlangga Surabaya
Jalan Airlangga No.4, Surabaya 60286, Indonesia

This study purpose to test hypothesis the effect Good Corporate Governance to profitability, the effect Corporate Social Responsibility to profitability, the effect Firm Size to profitability, Good Corporate Governance to value of the firm, the effect Corporate Social Responsibility to value of the firm, the effect firm size to value of the firm, the effect profitability to value of the firm. This study population was by 133 manufacture corporation listed in the Bursa Efek Indonesia in 2013-2018. The sampling used in this study a sensus method. Source of data is secondary data, obtained from the financial statements between the period 2013-2018 in the Bursa efek Indonesia. This study used path analysis to analysis data with the help of the program Partial Last Square (PLS). The results obtained in this study is Good Corporate Governance has a positive effect on profitability, Corporate Social Responsibility has a positive effect on profitability, Firm Size has a positive effect on profitability, Good Corporate Governance has a positive effect on value of the firm, Firm Size has positive effect on value of the firm, Corporate Social Responsibility has a positive effect on value of the firm, profitability has a positive effect on value of the firm. The profitability is intervening variables between relationship Good Corporate Governance, and Corporate Social Responsibility, Firm Size to value of the firm

Good Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility, Firm Size, Value of the firm

Enviromental Accounting


Innovation, Environmental Management Accounting, Future Performance: Evidence in Indonesia
Dian Agustia, Yani Permatasari

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Dian Agustia

Department of Accountancy
Faculty Economic and Business
Universitas Airlangga

This study aims to identify and analyze the influence of environmental management accounting on future performance with innovation as an intervening. Innovation is one strategy to produce a competitive advantage. With the competitive advantage achieved, corporate performance is expected to be increased. However, companies are expected to implement a strategy that not only emphasizes business continuity, but also can carry out its business process with the concept of sustainable development. Using 122 manufacturing companies which are listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange, this study tests the hypotheses using path analysis. The paper provides empirical insights about how environmental management accounting does not affect future performance while innovation can mediate the effect of environmental management accounting on future performance.

environmental management accounting, innovation, future performance

Enviromental Accounting


IPO Companies: The Effect of Intellectual Capital
Yani Permatasari, Fenty Vania Putri Tyasmi

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Yani Permatasari

Department of Accountancy
Faculty of Economics and Business
Universitas Airlangga

Intellectual Capital (IC) in the "knowledge economy" has the ability to create value added that can provide a competitive advantage for a company. This study aims to examine the influence of Intellectual Capital (IC) on the financial performance and market value of 71 companies that made an Initial Public Offering (IPO) in 2011-2015. In this research IC is measured by using Value Added Intellectual Capital (VAICTM) method, and to test the effect on financial performances and market value used Partial Least Square (PLS) for the data analysis. The result of the research shows that (1) IC has positive and significant influence on companys financial performance during IPO, (2) IC has positive influence to market value of company during IPO, but it is not significant, (3) IC has positive and significant influence on companys financial performance in the future, and (4) IC has a positive influence on the market value of company in the future, but it is not significant.

Intellectual Capital, Financial Performances, Market Value, Initial Public Offering

Enviromental Accounting


Research on Carbon Disclosure: Literature Review
Iman Harymawan, Dian Agustia, Nadia Klarita Rahayu, Dyah Ayu Larasati

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Iman Harymawan

Universitas Airlangga

Along with the rapid growth of technology, environmental problems have become an unavoidable event. These environmental problems are the main factors that can affect sustainable development. Under the increasingly modern market pressure, many companies are disclosing information about carbon emission. This study tries to provide an overview of research related to carbon emission disclosure. This research was conducted by analyzing the research with the title “carbon emission disclosure” or “carbon disclosure project” on Scopus. 21 studies were found in this search. We found articles with extensive discussion covering the environment, accounting, and law. We also provide control variable may be used by future researchers.

carbon disclosure project; carbon disclosure; CDP; carbon emissions

Enviromental Accounting


Social Responsibility Reporting on Telecommunications Companies: Evidence From Indonesia And Malaysia
Puteri Alfarisa, Mohammad Nasih, Iman Harymawan

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Iman Harymawan

Universitas Airlangga

The purpose of this study is to investigate the extent to which telecommunications sector companies in Indonesia and Malaysia disclose CSR reports in their sustainability reports.This research was conducted by comparing between the GRI G4 standard and the GRI G4 content index on the companys sustainability report for the three periods from 2014 to 2016.This study found that the level of CSR disclosure by companies in both countries are at the middle level. The major difference between the two countries is in the Specific Standard Disclosures, which shows that companies disclosures in Indonesia are relatively higher on the Economic Category, but tend to be lower in the Environmental Category, Product Responsibility Sub-Category, and especially in the Human Rights Sub-Category compared to companies in Malaysia. This study has implications for CSR disclosure in the sustainability reports of the telecommunications sector in Indonesia and Malaysia.

CSR Disclosure; Sustainability Report; Global Reporting Initiative; Telecommunications Sector

Enviromental Accounting


Study on Environmental Management Accounting (EMA) Implementation: Case at PT Semen Indonesia
Titisari Kusumawardhani, B. Basuki

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Basuki Basuki

Department of Accountancy
Faculty of Economics and Business
Universitas Airlangga

The purpose of this research is to explore the practice of Environment Management Accounting (EMA) in PT Semen Indonesia (PT. SI) as an effort to assess Eco-efficiency. The research was conducted by using qualitative method to ensure in depth understanding of the topic researched. The data collected consists of: (1) interview transcript, (2) supporting documents, and (3) direct observation. This research revealed that PT SI incentives in maintaining Eco-efficiency are mainly due to stakeholders- demand, especially government, foreign shareholders, and surrounding community. PT SI-s focus of data monitoring is still mainly on physical information from non-accounting department (PEMA), while the company record monetary information (MEMA) in separated recording. The cost allocation for environmental costs are still buried inside overhead costs, therefore, it lowers the accuracy and extensiveness of financial information provided through MEMA. Since qualitative research is used, then the research limitation relates to the methodological issues which is the research results cannot be generalized but it might be transferred to other company. Perhaps in the future the need for more advanced environmental costs tracing will emerge and thus PT. SI will begin to optimize to use both PEMA and MEMA to help them to identify their environmental costs more accurately. This paper contributes to the empirical research on environmental and performance management by integrating these two issues, and also illustrates that forces are dynamic rather than static.

Environmental Management Accounting, Physical Environmental Management Accounting (PEMA), Monetary Environmental Management Accounting (MEMA)

Enviromental Accounting


The effect of environmental management accounting to the firm performance with green innovation as intervening variables (empirical study on manufacturing companies listed on BEI 2012-2016)
Noorlailie Soewarno, Dyanda Atikah Putri

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Noorlailie Soewarno

Department of Accountancy
Faculty of Economics and Business
Universitas Airlangga

This study aims to determine the effect of Environmental Management Accounting (EMA) to firm performance with green innovation as an intervening variable. The variables used are environmental management accounting, firm performance, green product innovation, and green process innovation. The data used are secondary data and samples used are 107 manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2012 to 2016 and have met the criteria specified. The data collected were analysed using SPSS version 20 software tool with multiple linier regression method and Sobel test. Overall, in this study proves that green product and green process innovation is able to mediate EMA relationship to firm performance.

Environmental Management Accounting, Firm Performance, Green Product Innovation, Green Process Innovation

Enviromental Accounting


The Influence of LDR, NPL, BOPO and Primary Ratio toward Return On Asset (ROA) in Commercial Private Banks

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Magister Management -
Faculty of Economics and Business - Airlangga University
Jl. Airlangga No. 4-6, Airlangga - Gubeng - Surabaya - 60115

This research aim to analyze whether the LDR, NPL, BOPO and Primary Ratio have significant influence simultaneously to ROA on Commercial Private Bank. Return on assets (ROA) is an indicator of how profitable a company is relative to its total assets. ROA gives a manager, investor, or analyst an idea as to how efficient a companys management is at using its assets to generate earnings. The higher the ROA number, the better, because the company is earning more money on less investment. The sample are three bank, namely : Bank Bukopin, Bank Mega, Bank OCBC NISP. Data and collecting data methods in this research is secondary data which taken from financial report of National Private General Banks started from teh first quarter period of 2008 until the two quarter period of 2011. The technique of data analyzing is descriptive analyze and using multiple linier regression analyze. Based on calculations and result with using SPSS 11,5 for windows, state that LDR, NPL, BOPO and Primary Ratio have significant influence simultaneously to ROA on Comercial Private Banks. LDR and Primary Ratio partially have positive unsignificant influence to ROA on Comercial Private Banks. BOPO partially have negative significant influence to ROA on Comercial Private Banks. NPL partially have negative unsignificant influence to ROA on Comercial Private Banks.

Loan to Deposit Ratio, Non Performing Loan, Operational Costs to Operating Income, Primary Ratio

Enviromental Accounting


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